Managing Annual Ryegrass as a Cover Crop

This past winter, annual ryegrass hardly went into dormancy….it was that mild. Of course, the value to the soil is multiplied in years like this, when ryegrass roots extend to depths of four or five feet.

Soon, it will be time to spay out the ryegrass, and it pays to do it right. Here are some tips for managing it properly. For more detail, click here.

  • Spray when the ryegrass has broken dormancy, and before it reaches 8 inches. Like lawn grass, if the cover crop looks long enough to mow, then it’s time to spray it with glyphosate.
  • Use a full rate of glyphosate in order to kill the grass on the first application. Keep an eye out to make sure it’s good and dead and spray again if there’s any regrowth
  • Wait for the right temperature and daylight to spray. Consistent daytime temps of above 55F is best. Gray, cloudy or rain…delay the spray.

Look at the website above for more details. And you can also download a free annual ryegrass management guide by clicking here.

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