
Univ. of Illinois Variety Trials on Winter Hardiness and Burndown Characteristics

In 2005, U. of IL extention educator Mike Plumer began a three-year trial on annual ryegrass varieties, to determine which would be most able to withstand harsh Midwest winters. Simultaneously, he tested the same varieties on how easily they succumbed to herbicide in the spring. Click here to see a report of the results, published in 2008.

Other Research:

Annual Ryegrass Seed Dormancy and Management (2018) – looks at the issue of “latent seed carryover”, why it occurs and how to control it.

Conservation Tillage Information Center (2016) – cover crop impact on corn and soybean yield.

University of Wisconsin Extension – herbicide rotation restrictions in forage and cover cropping systems

Penn State University – herbicide carryover table 2012 (revised)

Purdue University – Cover Crops and the Corn and Soybean Herbicide Rotational Restrictions

2012 Cover Crop Trials – Beck’s Seed Co.

2007 Cover Crops and Soil Organic Matter – Hoorman, Islam study

2000 Annual Ryegrass Reduces Soybean Cyst Nematode – Canadian University paper


Conservation Tillage Information Center – NCRS/Purdue

Midwest Cover Crop Council

No-Till Farmer magazine